How Can I Donate?
Grenada Co-operative Bank
You can make deposits to our rebuilding funds at the Grenada Co-operative Bank at any of their branches in Grenada.
For on-line banking our Peer Mobile ID is SASKR2436, you can designate either the chequing or savings account.
Our Rebuilding Chequing Account is called the “Scot’s Kirk Rebuilding & Restoration Fund.” Its Account Number is 100003182
Our Rebuilding Savings Account is named “Presbyterian Church in Grenada.” Its Account Number is 101000440.
Foreign contributions may be made via wire transfer, the following is our information:
Bank Name: The Grenada Co-operative Bank
Bank Address: 8 Church Street, St. George’s, Grenada
Bank Swift Address: GROAGDGD
Organization Name: The Presbyterian Church in Grenada
Chequing Account
Bank Account Name: Scot’s Kirk Rebuilding & Restoration Fund
Bank Account Number: 100003182
Or Savings Account
Bank Account Name: The Presbyterian Church in Grenada
Bank Account Number: 101000440
You can also deposit funds to Co-op Bank to one of the following accounts:
St. Andrew’s Scot’s Kirk Chequing Account
Bank Account Name: The Presbyterian Church in Grenada
Bank Account Number: 1145857
Or Presbytery’s Chequing Account
Bank Account Name: The Presbyterian Church in Grenada
Bank Account Number: 1556240
Please send us an email or whatsapp message so that we know who the payment came from.
Thank you, we truly appreciate your support!