Reverend Alexander Cameron
Rev. Cameron was the minister at the Kirk from 1922-1923.
He died here in Grenada of a massive heart attack on February 1923 at the age of 56.
He left his wife Annie and 3 young daughters one who was born here or came as an infant. Nellie Payne who has a fantastic memory can recall a visit to Rev Cameron with her mother as a young child of 3yrs old and remembers the 2 older daughters who had very 'rosy cheeks'.
We have been gathering information for the family who live in Onich, Inverness-shire in Scotland and were able to get a copy of his death certificate which has been posted to the family.
It has been an interesting adventure and think that it is still not completely finished ------ we still have to find his grave.
Creating The Kirk
It would appear that similar to the nationalistic zeal of Nehemiah and Ezra to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem, Scotsmen who had come to, or had been sent to Grenada as foremen, masons and workmen got together at a meeting on February 3rd 1830 to erect upon a suitable spot a Presbyterian church in St. George's.
The Kirk (2007)
On March 17th, that same year, the Governor Major General Sir James Campbell, the Chief Justice and Speaker of the House of Assembly gave permission that the area known as the old court house lot be granted for the purpose of erecting the church.
A subscription list was opened and headed by Sir James Campbell within a few days the sum of £1.61 was raised.
With the site secured, plans for the building were drawn up by Mr. Alexander Mc.Crombie, proprietor and editor of the "Grenada Free Press"
As reported in the "Grenada Free Press" on Wednesday , November 30th 1831 at 11.00hr (St. Andrews Day) the foundation stone was laid with full Masonic Honours by the members of seven lodges then functioning in Grenada. Part of the Latin inscription on the corner stone reads:
"For the worship of the True God, Omnipotent, Eternal, according to the rights and disciplines of the Presbyterian Church, est. in native Scotland".
With local slave labour and experienced and expert craftsmen, St. Andrews Kirk was completed and opened on July 14th 1833.
The first minister to serve the church was sent to Grenada from British Guinea, the Rev. Wm. Haig. He was inducted on November 24th 1833.
The tower was added after the church was almost completed.
The bell was cast in Glasgow and hung shortly after the opening of the building.
Some years later the clock, subscribed by the general public, was placed in the steeple.
The Government grant to the church was withdrawn in 1860 and the Kirk was shared for 15years.
During the 1880's and 1890's mission were established by the Presbyterian church of T'dad. And it was during this time that the mission to Samaritan 1888-1893 was dedicated on May 26th 1889 by Rev.J Rea. The church in Belair was also started during this.
Rev. Frances A. Ross started a church in Gouyave in 1893-1896.
The first marriage sermon was celebrated in the Kirk on April 26th 1860, by Rev. George Mitchell.
During the period 1897-1901 the church with a loan of £ 100.00 was able to obtain our beautiful p m organ.
This was installed by Rev. David Sylvan who donated the font marble of Aberdeen granite, in memory of his infant daughter who died during her stay in Grenada.
The mahogany pulpit was erected in 1932; a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Barclay of Rose Hill Estates.
Knox House was, the house of the French and British Governors (1700-1778), was also used as meeting place of the local legislative council and the principal guard hut of the fort.
It was also used as the manse. A new manse was built by Rev. Arlon Salthouse during his term here.
During 1945, after the Church of Scotland withdrew its support and ministers from Grenada, the Presbyterians were asked to join with the Methodist and sell the church building. This offer was refused by the Presbyterians.
In 1950 the congregation of Grenada and Trinidad were linked and were then known as the Presbyterian Church of Trinidad & Tobago & Grenada. During this time a new building was dedicated and opened at Conference for Belair Church.
In 1955 Hurricane Janet destroyed Samaritan Church and School. Government opened a new school at and the church was also erected.
St. Andrews Kirk was dedicated and carried out its service to God and people with a long succession of ministers from the Church of Scotland, T'da & T'bgo, Presbyterian Church in Canada and United Church of Canada.
We have had 39 ministers serve us in 168 years. Also in 1997, July 6th we ordained the first Grenadian born minister who acted on occasion without stipend.
Our present minister is Rev. Dr. Osbert James and we can thank our creator that we still continue to praise our God according to the rights and disciplines of the Presbyterian Church as first established.
Historical Highlights
1833: St. Andrews Kirk, St. George's opened and dedicated, beginning a long succession of church of Scotland ministers.
1860: Government grant withdrawn; Kirk almost closes.
1880: During the 1880's and 1890's missions establishes by Presbyterians from Trinidad and Grenada among East Indian estate workers. Churches and schools built at Samaritan and Belair and a chapel in Gouyave.
1945: Church of Scotland withdraws.
1950: From the 1950's the Presbyterian congregations in Grenada were linked to those of Trinidad and became the Presbyterian church in Trinidad and Grenada.. During this decade the Belair church building was abandoned and a new church was opened and dedicated in Conference.
1955: Hurricane Janet struck Samaritan church and School destroyed. School was held in the nearby SDA church until government opened a new one at Union.
1957: New church opened and dedicated for the use of the Samaritan congregation in Union.
1963: McDonald college opened and dedicated at Sauteurs.
1983: The Presbytery of Grenada requested the synod of Trinidad and Grenada for independent status and WERE granted this request.
1986: After consideration in all congregations the Presbyterian Church in Grenada adopted on the 20th April its own constitution.
2004: Hurricane Ivan demolishes the Kirk. [September 7th.]